OpenAM Interview Questions and Answers

OpenAM Interview Questions and Answers

In this article, I am going to share the most important and frequently asked OpenAM Interview Questions and Answers. In another article, OpenIDM and OpenDJ interview questions and answers were also shared. Along with the answers required reference links are also added for each and every question so you can go through it in detail. Before going to the interview, you can go through it and refresh your knowledge.


What is Single Sign-On(SSO)?

Table of Contents

Single sign-on (SSO) is a way for users to be authenticated for multiple applications and services at once. With SSO, a user signs in at a single login screen and can then use a number of apps. Users do not need to confirm their identity with every single service they use.

What is the difference between authentication and authorization


Authentication: It is confirming an identity. Ex: Confirming Use successfully logged in.

Authorization: It is determining whether to grant access to someone who is valid

What is the software required to set up OpenAM?

  • Java 1.8
  • Apache/Tomcat server relies on web pages which means that the Client Project
  • Tomcat Server in which OpenAM application will be deployed
  • OpenAM war file
  • OpenDJ to store user identity and OpenAM Configuration
  • Web/Java agents to protect webpage


What is the default session cookie name in OpenAM?



  • The iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie is the AM/OpenAM session cookie.
  • This session cookie is created when a user successfully authenticates against AM/OpenAM and stores the session token ID (also referred to as the session ID or SSOTokenID).
  • This session cookie is held as a domain cookie, that is, it applies to one domain only and it facilitates Single Sign On (SSO) within that domain.





What is the default load balancer cookie name in OpenAM?






What are the grant types supported by OpenAM?

  1. Authorization Code Flow
  2. Implicit Grant Flow
  3. Resource Owner Password Credentials
  4. Client Credentials
  5. Refresh Token
  6. UMA
  7. Device Code
  8. SAML
  9. Back Channel Request
  10. JWT Bearer





What are the parameters required for Session Upgrade in OpenAM?

  • sessionUpgradeSSOTokenId
  • ForceAuth=true

Here ForceAuth is case-sensitive. So please make sure ForceAuth=true. if we will give like forceAuth=true then the given parameter will be ignored and the session token id will be changed in the second chain authentication


We collected ForgeRock OpenAM interview questions and answers and summarized them here. You can go through them  before going to the interview






FAQ Cookies

OpenAM Session Token Upgrade



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