OpenIDM Interview Questions and Answers
Table of Contents
What is the default admin user name and password?
Username : openidm-admin
Password : openidm-admin
What is the default back-end database in Pre-OpenIDM 4.0?
What is the default back-end database in above OpenIDM 5?
LDAP ( OpenDJ )
What is the OpenIDM Admin URL?
http://<hostname>:<port>/admin or http://localhost:8080/admin
What is the OpenIDM Self Service URL?
What is the OpenIDM application server?
Apache Felix Server
What is Apache Felix Server URL?
What are the default OpenIDM HTTP ports?
http Port : 8080
https Port : 8443
How to change default HTTP and https ports in OpenIDM?
OpenIDM 5 and later
openidm.port.https=8443OpenIDM 4 and below
How to start the OpenIDM server?
Windows : <OpenIDM-Home>\startup.bat
Linux : <OpenIDM-Home>\
How to stop the OpenIDM server?
In the OpenIDM Console, type shutdown or Press Ctrl + c
same process in both linux and windows
Some of the OpenIDM connectors
CSV File Connector
LDAP Connector
Database Table Connector
MongoDB Connector
ServiceNow Connector
Salesforce Connector
What are managed operations in OpenIDM?
1. User
2. Role
3. Assignment
What is sync.json?
The sync.json file describes a set of mappings. Each mapping specifies how attributes from source objects correspond to attributes on target objects.
The source and target indicate the direction for the data flow, so you must define a mapping for each data flow.
For example, if you want data flows from an LDAP server to the repository and also from the repository to the LDAP server, you must define two separate mappings.
sync.json file path: openidm/conf/sync.json.
What is the difference between sync.json and managed.json?
sync.json -> Mapping configuration between source and target systems
managed.json -> managed objects(User, Role and Assignment) configuration
What are the types of synchronization?
1. Reconciliation
2. LiveSync
Synchronization happens either when OpenIDM receives a change directly, or when OpenIDM discovers a change on an external resource.
For direct changes to OpenIDM, OpenIDM immediately pushes updates to all external resources configured to receive the updates
What is Reconciliation?
- In identity management, reconciliation is the process of bidirectional synchronization of objects between different data stores. Reconciliation applies mainly to user objects, though OpenIDM can reconcile any objects, including groups and roles.
- To perform reconciliation, OpenIDM analyzes both source and target systems to uncover the differences that it must reconcile.
- Reconciliation can, therefore, be a heavyweight process.
- When working with large data sets, finding all changes can be more work than processing the changes.
- Reconciliation recognizes system error conditions and catches changes that might be missed by the more lightweight LiveSync mechanism.
What is LiveSync?
- LiveSync performs the same job as reconciliation. LiveSync relies on a changelog on the external resource to determine which objects have changed.
- LiveSync is intended to react quickly to changes as they happen.
- LiveSync is, however, a best-effort mechanism that in some cases can miss changes.
- Furthermore, not all resources provide the changelog mechanism that LiveSync requires
- The changelog provides OpenIDM with a list of objects changed since the last request such that OpenIDM does not need to scan all objects for changes. OpenDJ and Active Directory provide an external changelog.
How to trigger OpenIDM to poll for changes?
Usually by scheduling reconciliation or LiveSync
Alternatively, you can start reconciliation through the REST interface.
$ curl --header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" --header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" --request POST "http://localhost:8080/openidm/sync?_action=recon&mapping=systemLdapAccounts_managedUser"

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