Google oAuth2 Provider Details
In this article, I am going to show Google oAuth2 Provider Details. OAuth 2.0 (Open Authorization), an open protocol for token-based authorization on the internet. The process for obtaining the token is called an authorization flow.
OAuth 2.0 provides users with the ability to grant third-party application access to web resources without sharing a password
Nowadays many organizations providing oAuth2 protocol for authentication and authorization. In which one of the leading, best and trusted company is Google. Here I am providing google oAuth2 details to configure in the client application.
There is a link to get complete details of Google oAuth2. Before access the link, you should be having a google account.
Type | Url / Information |
issuer | ““ |
authorization_endpoint | ““ |
device_authorization_endpoint | ““ |
token_endpoint | ““ |
userinfo_endpoint | ““ |
revocation_endpoint | ““ |
jwks_uri | ““ |
response_types_supported | |
0 | “code” |
1 | “token” |
2 | “id_token” |
3 | “code token” |
4 | “code id_token” |
5 | “token id_token” |
6 | “code token id_token” |
7 | “none” |
subject_types_supported | |
0 | “public” |
id_token_signing_alg_values_supported | |
0 | “RS256” |
scopes_supported | |
0 | “openid” |
1 | “email” |
2 | “profile” |
token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported | |
0 | “client_secret_post” |
1 | “client_secret_basic” |
claims_supported | |
0 | “aud” |
1 | “email” |
2 | “email_verified” |
3 | “exp” |
4 | “family_name” |
5 | “given_name” |
6 | “iat” |
7 | “iss” |
8 | “locale” |
9 | “name” |
10 | “picture” |
11 | “sub” |
code_challenge_methods_supported | |
0 | “plain” |
1 | “S256” |
grant_types_supported | |
0 | “authorization_code” |
1 | “refresh_token” |
2 | “urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code” |
3 | “urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer” |
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I am a self-learner and passionate about training and writing. I am always trying my best to share my knowledge through my blog.