How to Configure OpenAM Data Store Decision Node Tree

How to Configure OpenAM Data Store Decision Node Tree

Table of Contents

In this article, we will discuss How to Configure OpenAM Data Store Decision Node Tree. OpenAM having a different type of authentication mechanism to achieve the authentication process. In which one of the mechanisms is Tree. The tree is the combination of different types of nodes. Each Node having its own functionality and depends on other nodes.


How to Configure OpenAM Data Store Decision Node Tree

Data Store Decision node is depending on the following nodes.

1. Username Collector Node

2. Password Collector Node


Data Store Decision Video Created and uploaded into youtube and you can see the video to get more information.



Step 1: Create a Tree Name

OpenAM Application URL:

Login into the OpenAM application by amadmin user, select the realm [employee] in that we can create a tree.




Click on employee realm, then goto Authentication > Trees > Creat Tree





Enter the tree name like AuthNodeTest and click on Create.

Step 2: Create a Data Store Decision Node

By default Start and Fail nodes will be available and add the required nodes from components left side to work area right side.





Username Collector

Left side components, search username, then drag the Username Collector to the work area right side and drag the start node to Username Collector Node.





Password Collector

Left side components, search password, then drag the Password Collector to the work area right side and drag the Username Collector node to Password Collector Node.





DataStore Decision Collector Node


Left side components, search datastore, then drag the Data Store Decision Collector to the work area right side and drag the Password Collector node to Data Store Decision Collector Node.


OpenAM-Data Store Decision-Collector-Node

OpenAM-Data Store Decision-Collector-Node


Data Store Decision Node having two outcomes in that one is True(authentication successful) and second one False(Authentication Fail)

Failure Node already available in the work area, so you have to drag Success Node from the Left side to the work area.

Data Store Decision Node True outcome drag to Success

Data Store Decision Node False outcome drag to Failure





Step 3: How to Validate Data Store Decision Node Configuration


The Tree mechanism is nothing but chain mechanism, so tree and chain names should be mentioned in the URL and assign to the service parameter.


OpenAM URL – root realm :


OpenAM URL – employee realm:










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