OpenAM OpenID Connect Node Authorization URLs
Table of Contents
This article, showed OpenAM OpenID Connect Node required details such as Client ID, Client Secret, Authentication Endpoint URL, Access Token Endpoint URL, User Profile Service URL, OAuth Scope, Redirect URL, Well Known URL, Account Provider, Account Mapper, Attribute Mapper, Token Issuer, OpenID Connect Validation Type, and OpenID Connect Validation Value.
OpenID Connect Node Configuration Details
Am sharing the sample configuration details in which you can configure your environment details instead of mine used. Some configuration parameters values common/default so you need to give it as it is and some parameters values given according to the environment in which you need to give your environmental values.
Client ID
- MyEmployeeClient
You can give any name here.
Client Secret
- Admin1234
You can give any secret here
Authentication Endpoint URL
- — application URL
realms/root/realms/employee — realm path
authorize — endpoint
Access Token Endpoint URL
- — application URL
realms/root/realms/employee — realm path
access_token — endpoint
User Profile Service URL
- — application URL
realms/root/realms/employee — realm path
userinfo — endpoint
OAuth Scope
- openid profile email
Here each scope separated by space
Redirect URL
It’s Client redirection URL
Well Know URL
- — application URL
realms/root/realms/employee — realm path
.well-known/openid-configuration — endpoint
Account Provider
- org.forgerock.openam.authentication.modules.common.mapping.DefaultAccountProvider
Its default value, give same as it is
Account Mapper
- org.forgerock.openam.authentication.modules.oidc.JwtAttributeMapper
Its default value, give same as it is
Attribute Mapper
- org.forgerock.openam.authentication.modules.common.mapping.JsonAttributeMapper
- org.forgerock.openam.authentication.modules.oidc.JwtAttributeMapper
sub uid name cn given_name givenName family_name sn email mail
Its default value, give same as it is
Token Issuer
- — application URL
realms/root/realms/employee — realm path
oauth2 — endpoint
OpenID Connect Validation Type
- Well Known URL
Its default value, give same as it is
OpenID Connect Validation Value
- — application URL
realms/root/realms/employee — realm path
.well-known/openid-configuration — endpoint

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