Git Origin Remote SSH URL change In order to change the Remote SSH URL of a Git, we have to use the set-url command and specify the name of the remote as well as the new remote URL to be changed. When we do git clone the project, automatically remote SSH URL repository is the […]
Category: Version Controls
Git Origin Remote URL change
Filename too long error during git clone
Filename too long error during git clone In this article, explained how to fix Filename too long error during git clone. This error you might be seen while clone the project in the longer folder structure. We need to set the core.longpaths true either in the specific cloned repository or global configuration. We can […]
Git Checkout Specific Branch From Remote Repository
Git Checkout Specific Branch From Remote Repository This article explained, checkout specific branch from git remote repository. In the real time environment, some times we want to checkout only specific branch instead master branch which by default downloaded. After checkout the specific branch, we can verify the branch downloaded or not. We can use the […]
SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain git
SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain git Generally, the issue is a self-signed certificate because the self-signed certificate can not be trusted by any system automatically. So we need to tell the system to trust the self-signed certificate or disable the certificate validation. Due to this error, you can not clone […]
Tortoise SVN Client Installation in Windows
Tortoise SVN Client Installation in Windows In this article, I am going to show Tortoise SVN Client Installation in Windows. Tortoise SVN client is an interface to access the SVN server and to commit code into the SVN server. Step 1: Download Tortoise SVN client is free software and we can download it from […]
How to delete folder in GitHub repository and local git repository
Sometimes we want to delete folders from GitHub but there is no option in GitHub to delete folder directly. If you want to delete folder from GitHub then we need to open the folder and delete all files one by one and then the folder will be automatically disappeared / deleted. In git repository, the […]
How to ignore bin and target folder to global svn in eclipse
SVN Commands in Linux
This article helps you to understand various SVN commands and its usage in Linux environment. How To get the location of SVN: $ whereis svnsvn: /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin/svn (or) $ which svnsvn: /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin/svn How to get the SVN help $ svn helpusage: svn <subcommand> [options] [args]Subversion command-line client, version 1.8.14.Type ‘svn help <subcommand>’ for help on a […]
Most Useful Git Commands
In this article I am sharing a list of most useful git commands which are used in day to day activity in every project. Getting & Creating Projects Command Description git init Initialize a local Git repository git clone ssh://[email protected]/[username]/[repository-name].git Create a local copy of a remote repository Basic Snapshotting Command Description git status […]