Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities OWASP

Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities OWASP

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Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF) is one of the top 10 security vulnerabilities with high risk. It allows a hacker to perform an action on the vulnerable site on behalf of the victim(user). If the site does not validate the original request properly then the attack is possible.


Attacker forges the request with victim identity (session cookies, IP address etc..) and submits the request on his or her behalf. in other words, the site does not take the proper validation of user request to perform the specific action.

CSRF Solution

You need to implement CSRF token where the sensitive activity performing in the site. For example, save users, delete users, create users, etc…


Step 1: Generate CSRF Token

CSRF Token which is nothing but random unique string.To generate CSRF token you can use any strong algorithm


Step 2: Pass to JSP as a Hidden Parameter

Above generated token pass to JSP(frontend) as a hidden parameter and store the same token in the session object to validate while submitting the request in the below step.


Step 3: Validate the CSRF Token

Once the above step filled the form and submit the request, then validate the request CSRF token and session CSRF token. If both (request CSRF and session CSRF ) equal then allow the request to perform the activity else deny the request and redirect to the error page.


Example Code

The example code uploaded into a git repository and explained the required details

Generate Token

Here We are using commons-codec third party library to convert hash string to encode base64.





public static String getHash() {
	    String hash ="";
		try {
			String uuid=UUID.randomUUID().toString();
		     String secret = "SecretKey";
		  //   String message = "Message";

		     Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
		     SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");

		     hash = Base64.encodeBase64String(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(uuid.getBytes()));
		    catch (Exception e){
		return hash;


Send Token to Frontend

public static void setCSRFRequestData(HttpServletRequest request) {
		HttpSession session = request.getSession();
		String hash = HMACSHA256.getHash();
		request.setAttribute("csrf", hash);
		session.setAttribute("csrf", hash);



Add the below scriptlet code inside the form tag in the JSP where you have sensitive activity performing.

          String csrf="";
          if(null != request.getAttribute("csrf")){
          //  out.print("csrf:"+csrf);


Validate The CSRF Token


At Controller

if (CSRFToken.getCSRFTokenStatus(request).equalsIgnoreCase("error")) {
			response.getWriter().println("<h1>invalid csrf token. <br>Invalid Request..</h1>");
		} else {
			response.getWriter().println("<h1>Valid Request</h1>");


At Service

public static String getCSRFTokenStatus(HttpServletRequest request) {
		String error = "error";
		String success = "success";
		HttpSession session = request.getSession();

		if (null == session.getAttribute("csrf") || null == request.getParameter("csrf")) {
			return error;
		} else {
			System.out.println("csrf from session:"+session.getAttribute("csrf"));
			System.out.println("csrf from request:"+request.getAttribute("csrf"));
			if (session.getAttribute("csrf").equals(request.getParameter("csrf"))) {
				System.out.println("csrf session and request are equal");
				return success;
			} else {
				System.out.println("csrf session and request are not equal");
				return error;


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