How to install Apache LDAP Directory and Studio?

How to install Apache LDAP Directory and Studio?

Table of Contents

In this post, I am going to show How to install Apache LDAP Directory and Studio, How to access Apache LDAP Directory from Apache Studio, How to add users into Apache LDAP Directory, How to add user attributes from Apache Studio and How to start/stop Apache LDAP Directory.

Apache LDAP Directory Installation

Apache LDAP Directory is an LDAP(Light Weight Access Protocol) Directory and store user profile/identity and credentials. And also we can call ApacheDS(Apache Directory Service). It’s a free and open-source project from Apache.

It’s one of the best projects from Apache. You can download and use the software.

It’s a generic LDAP directory and a centralized directory for user credentials. By using it we can achieve SSO (Single Sign-On) it means that we can use the same user name and password for all applications to access in the company.

Most of the companies and users using it in the development mode to test the application with LDAP. By using Java JNDI.

You can connect the Apache LDAP directory and perform the various operations like Authentication, retrieve user attributes, roles, etc…

Like the Apache LDAP Directory, we have many LDAP directories and here I am sharing some of the important directories as follows.

1.Active Directory/ Azure Active Directory – Microsoft

2. OpenDJ – ForgeRock

3. OpenLDAP –

4.Ping Directory – Ping

5. 389 LDAP Directory

6. phpLDAPadmin


Here I am sharing OpenDJ LDAP directory setup links to understand the various LDAP directory.

ForgeRock OpenDJ Installation Steps Console

ForgeRock OpenDJ Installation From GUI in Windows and Linux



Step #1 Download Apache LDAP

Download Apache LDAP

Apache LDAP Directory Download

Apache LDAP Directory Download


Step #2 Unzip Apache LDAP

Unzip the downloaded file.

Apache LDAP Directory Downalod Unzip

Apache LDAP Directory Downalod Unzip

Step #3 Start Apache LDAP

Open windows command prompt and go to bin folder(D:\narayanatutorial\Tutorial\Training-ApacheDS\apacheds-2.0.0.AM25\bin)

Apache LDAP Directory bin

Apache LDAP Directory bin

Bin folder

1. apacheds.bat – windows

2. – Linux/Unix

Here we are installing apacheds in windows system so you can execute apacheds.bat

Apache LDAP Directory Start

Apache LDAP Directory Start

Apache LDAP Directory Started Successful

Apache LDAP Directory Started Successful

Step #4 Stop Apache LDAP

You can stop by pressing ctrl+c in the windows or Linux/Unix when you started in interactive mode.

You can stop the service in Windows or Linux/Unix when you started it as a service.


Step #5 Access Apache LDAP

There is a GUI tool Apache Studio to access Apache DS/Directory. You need to install Apache Studio. Apache Studio installation is shown below.

Apache Studio Installation

Apache Studio is a GUI tool to access any LDAP directory only Apache DS/Directory. I have posted the article how to access OpenDJ from Apache Studio.

Step #1 Download Apache Studio

Download Apache Studio

Apache Studio Download

Apache Studio Download

Step #2 Unzip Apache Studio

Unzip the downloaded file

Apache Studio Download Unzip

Apache Studio Download Unzip

Step #3 Start Apache Studio

Go to ApacheDirectoryStudio folder and double click on ApacheDirectoryStudio.

Apache Studio Download Start

Apache Studio Download Start

Step #4 Configure Apache LDAP

Click on New Connection to configure Apache LDAP/DS.

Apache Directory/DS Connection Name: Give any name. Here I have given ApacheDSTest

Apache Directory/DS Hostname: localhost

Apache Directory/DS Default Port: 10389

Apache Directory/DS Default Bind DN Username: uid=admin,ou=system

Apache Directory/DS Default Bind Password: secret


Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio Configuration-Step1

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio Configuration-Step1


Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio Configuration-Step2

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio Configuration-Step2

Click on Check Authentication to test the connection whether given config parameters are correct or not.

Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio Configuration-Step3

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio Configuration-Step3

The Apache DS connection is successful.


Step #5 Apache LDAP – Studio

Apply and close the above step, click on Open Connection by right-click in the left side.

Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio Configuration-Step5

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio Configuration-Step5


Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio Configuration-Step6

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio Configuration-Step6


How to Add User to Apache LDAP/DS

Go to dc=example,dc=com(right click) -> New -> New Entry -> Create Entry From Scratch -> Next -> Search (inetOrgPerson) and Select -> Add -> Next -> select UID and Give name –> Next -> enter mandatory fields -> click on Finish.


Right Click on Base DN (dc=example,dc=com) -> New -> New Entry

Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio User Create

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio User Create


Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio User Create Entry

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio User Create Entry


Search (inetOrgPerson) in the left side search box and Select inetOrgPerson, and click on Add, then four object classes to right side.


Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio User Object Classes

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio User Object Classes


In the RDN, select uid on the left side dropdown and enter the unique user id on the right side.

Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio User Distinguised Name

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio User Distinguished Name


Enter Mandatory fields i.e sn – SurName and cn – Common Name and click on Finish

Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio User Mandatory Attributes

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio User Mandatory Attributes


The user narayana created successfully.

Apache LDAP Directory - Apache Studio User Created

Apache LDAP Directory – Apache Studio User Created


Apache LDAP Directory/DS – Studio Installation Video


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ApacheDS/LDAP Directory

Apache Studio


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