Equality Operator (= =), (!)
We can apply equality operators for all primitive data types including boolean also.
- 10 = = 20 ; // true
- ‘ a ‘ = = 97 ; // true
- 10 = = 10.0 ; // true
- true = = true ; // true
We can apply equality operators even for object reference also ‘ r1 = = r2 ‘ is true if and only if both are pointing to same object.
- thread t1 = new thread ( ) ;
- thread t2 = new thread ( ) ;
- thread t3 = t1 ;
- s.o.p ( t1 = = t2 ) ; // false
- s.o.p ( t1 = = t3 ) ; // true
If we won’t to apply = = operator there should be some relationship b/n the argument type otherwise we will get compile time error.
- exception e = new exception ( ) ;
- thread t1 = new thread ( ) ;
- s.o.p ( e = = t1 ) ; ( compile time error )
—> in comparable types thread, exception.
—> consider the following types.
- Object o = new Object ( ) ;
- String s = new String ( ) ;
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
Que:- Which of the following expressions are valid ?
- o1 = = s 1
- o1 = = s 2
- s 1 = = s 2 ( compile time error)
- All the above
Ans:- 1, 2 .
For any Object reference r , ” r = = null ” is always false.
Note:- In general ” = = ” operator always meant for reference comparison. Where as equals ( ) method for content comparison. |
- s.o.p ( null = = null ) ; // true
- String s1 = new String ( ) ;
- String s2 = null ;
- s.o.p ( s1 = = null ) ; // false
- s.o.p ( s2 = = null ) ; // true
- s.o.p ( null = = null ) ; // true
- s.o.p ( s1 = = s2 ) ; // false

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