Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Table of Contents

( +, -, *, /, % )

If we are performing any arithmetic operation between two variables a and b . The result is always type

max ( type of a, type of b, int)
  • byte + byte = int
  • byte + short = int
  • int + byte = int
  • short + long = long
  • float + long = float
  • double + anything = double
  • char + char = int
  • s. o. p ( ‘a’ + ‘b’ ) // 195


 In the case of integral arithmetic, there is no way to represent infinity. Hence division by zero is always Arithmetic Exception. In the case if integral Arithmetic.

s. o. p (10/10)==> int; ( A.E. division by zero)

But in the case of floating point Arithmetic there is always a way to represent infinity. Float and Double classes contain the following constants.



Hence in floating point arithmetic division by zero won’t rise Arithmetic Exception.

s. o. p ( 10/ 0.0) ; ==> infinity

s. o. p ( 10/ 0.0 ) ; ==> -infinity

NaN (Not a Number)

If the result is undefined, in the case of integral Arithmetic, there is no way to represent, hence we will get Arithmetic Exception.

( s. o. p (0/0) ;  A.E )

But in the case of floating point Arithmetic, there is a way to represent undefined result for this float to double classes contain a constant NaN. In the case of undefined result, we won’t get any Arithmetic Exception, in the case of floating point Arithmetic.

s. o. p ( 0.0/ 0) Nan

s. o. p ( – 0.0/ 0) Nan

For any x value including NAN, all the below expression returns false

x > NaN

x < NaN

x >= NaN

x<= NaN

x == NaN

For any x value, the following expression return true.

x ! = NaN

Que;- which of the following expressions returns true ?

  1. float. NaN == float. NaN
  2. float. NaN ! == float. NaN
  3. x ! =float. NaN
  4. x> = float. Nan

Ans:- 2, 3.

Arithmetic Exception

It’s always a run time exception, it occurs only in integral, Arithmetic, but not in floating point Arithmetic.

The only operators which cause Arithmetic Exceptions are ‘/’, ‘%’.

String Concatenation Operation [‘+’]

The only over loaded operator in java is ‘+’ operate some times it acts as Arithmetic addition operation & sometimes it acts as String Concatenation Operator.

1). If at least one argument is string type, then ‘+’ operator acts as Concatenation & if both arguments are numbers then ‘+’ operator acts as Arithmetic Operation.

                        int a = 10, b =20, c =30 ;

                        string d = ‘narayanatutorial’ ;

  • s.o.p ( a+b+c+d ) ; // 60 narayanatutorial
  • s.o.p ( a+d+b+c ) ; // 10 narayanatutorial 20 30
  • s.o.p ( d+a+b+c ) ; // narayanatutorial 10 20 30
  • s.o.p ( a+b+d+c ) ; // 30 narayanatutorial 30

Relational Operators

Relational  operators ‘ >, >=, <, <= ‘

We have to apply these relational operators only for primitive data types except boolean.


s.o.p –> System.out.println

A.E –>Arithmetic Exception

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