Month: July 2021

Create a User – Create a Group – Assign User to Group in Linux

delete files in linux

Create a User – Create a Group – Assign User to Group in Linux This article explained to create a user, create a group, assign a user to a group, delete a user, user password change, create a user with a home directory and without a home directory.   Create a User without Home Directory […]

Gradle Commands

gradle commands

Gradle Commands In this article, sharing Gradle Commands which are using frequently to build the project, clean build the project, compile or execute the test cases and skip the test cases execution.   Gradle commands Go to the project location and execute the following command for the respective activity. Command Description ./gradlew build build project, […]

OpenAM OpenID Connect Node Authorization URLs


OpenAM OpenID Connect Node Authorization URLs This article, showed OpenAM OpenID Connect Node required details such as Client ID, Client Secret, Authentication Endpoint URL, Access Token Endpoint URL, User Profile Service URL, OAuth Scope, Redirect URL, Well Known URL, Account Provider, Account Mapper, Attribute Mapper, Token Issuer, OpenID Connect Validation Type, and OpenID Connect Validation […]