Tag: Oracle


SQL DBA SQL statement for creating table space Syntax CREATE TABLESPACE <TablespaceName> DATAFILE ‘<Datafile Path>’ SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE UNLIMITED ; Example CREATE TABLESPACE TUTORIALTBS DATAFILE ‘C:oraclexeoradataXETUTORIALTBS.DBF’ SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE UNLIMITED ;   SQL statement for alter table space — ADD DATAFILE Syntax ALTER TABLESPACE <TablespaceName> ADD DATAFILE ‘<Datafile Path>’ SIZE 4G […]


SQL RENAME By using RENAME command, we can rename a table. The rename operation is done automatically. Which means that no other thread can access any of the tables while the rename processing is running. Syntax RENAME <TableName> TO <NewTAbleName>; Example RENAME EMPLOYEE TO EMPLOYEE_DETAILS;   NarayanaswamyHello! I am Narayanaswamy founder and admin of narayanatutorial.com. […]


SQL ALTER The structure of the table can be modified by using ALTER TABLE command. ALTER TABLE works by making a temporary copy of the original table. The alteration is performed on the copy, then the original table is deleted and the new one is renamed. ALTER TABLE changing the structure of an existing table […]


SQL UPDATE The UPDATE command is used to change or update data values in a table. UPDATE all rows one column Syntax UPDATE <TableName> SET <ColumnName 1>=<Expression> or <Value> Example UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET COUNTRY=”INDIA”; UPDATE all rows more than one column Syntax UPDATE <TableName> SET <ColumnName 1>=<Expression> or <Value>, <ColumnName 2>=<Expression> or <Value> Example UPDATE […]


SQL DELETE OPERATIONS The DELETE command deletes rows from the table that satisfies the condition provided by its WHERE clause and returns the number of records are deleted. If the DELETE command without a WHERE clause is issued then, all rows are deleted. We can retrieve the deleted records back if we had not executed […]


SQL INSERT DATA INTO A TABLE FROM ANOTHER TABLE We can insert data into table in two different ways. They are 1) Using INSERT INTO without using SELECT statement. Syntax INSERT INTO <TableName>(<ColumnName1>,<ColumnName2>) VALUES (<ColumnValue1>,<ColumnValue2>); Example INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME) VALUES (‘Narayana’,’Ragi’); 2) Using INSERT INTO with SELECT statement Syntax INSERT INTO <TableName> SELECT […]